Saturday 28 December 2013

Environment Update

Just another update on the environment itself: I've been following Jordan Walker's example and have converted some key lights to Toggleable Point Lights. Although this is more performance intensive, for this project I wanted gorgeous shadows, so I'll let it slide. It also helps bring out stronger specular maps.
Here's a current shot. Aside from lighting, I have been doing a few texture/shader tweaks and replacing blockout meshes with textured and remodelled iterations. 

The round table was based on an English antique, despite the other furniture being slightly Oriental. The reason? I wanted a nice table that stood out on its own, as it was in the middle of the scene, and why not?

Here's a reference photo.
For the details on the legs I experimented with highpolys in Max. I couldn't get it exactly like the photo, but I feel it looks detailed enough to be impressive.
 Here's a few Marmoset renders:

I also textured the vinyl cases. I had a revealation whilst doing this that the scene needed more varieties of vinyl case, so I set to making some silver ones as opposed to the felt model I used in the concept.

I'll keep on it, and hopefully work on some more daytime renders and polish off the copter soon. Thanks for reading :)

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