Saturday 7 December 2013

Speaker done!

Today I completed my highpoly of the speaker, based on the popular KAM range of speaker system. 

Why not the speaker design in the concept, you may ask?
The simple answer is that a KAM speaker looks nicer, as it has the grille and feels more like a music lover's speaker than the older model in the concept. Even though I am working from the concept, I can still take artistic liberties with it :p

 There it is rendered in marmoset 2.0, which is a really nice-looking realtime render package:

I then baked the highpoly to my premade lowpoly and began to texture. It was quite fun, and to add more character I decided to add some hippie/free love style stickers to the casing, as if the hippies wanted to spice up the speaker as they did the wall.
Pictured above is the diffuse. On this model I decided to employ my trick of overlaying UV shells, which I have done with the sides/top of the model and the speakers themselves. This is done to push the texture and maximise usage of texture space, lending to higher res images: with the self-imposed size limit of 1024/1024,
I need as efficient a usage as possible.

And here's the finished speaker. I really had to fight to get the spec highlights right, but it was worth it. Probably one of my best assets to date.

I also sculpted the cloth banners on the ceiling and completed the texture, which it shares a 1024/1024 with the Peace banner(similar materials). 

The cloth sculpt was tough but fun, as I bunched up areas for more visual interest:

And here's a Marmoset render; it looks a bit waxy but in-engine I have used a detail map of cloth to add the fabric texture in a more efficient way.

But lastly, here's the current environment.

The environment so far is coming along well. I recently used DOF in order to blur out the skybox; given the smoky nature of the indoor area and the rain and moisture in the air outside, I found that it works well, and fits the atmosphere of the scene. I have also lightmapped the windowledges, as in previous posts they were not lit correctly(lack of lightmap UVs was to blame).

Well, that was long. Thanks for reading if you're still there :)

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