Tuesday 5 November 2013

Continuation, books and discovering China

In this latest entry, I was helped by some observant soul (who shall go unnamed) on the nature of the scene's assets. By pointing out that the object on the concept's window ledge was a Chinese Medicine Cabinet, it opened my eyes to the prospect that.....the other wooden furnishings in the room were Chinese! This would tie in well with the bohemian themes of the hippie movement too, and make my assets ultimately more entertaining and visually striking than a more modern wooden look would be.

Here's my current scene in Lit mode; as you can see, I replaced the checker texture of the default UDK. Why? Not only does the checker come with a normal map  (thus affecting Detail Lighting preview), but it looks ugly as sin and can also affect Light bounce if using Lightmass.  I instead went with a white with a Specular map so as to catch the unique shapes and add bloom to lighting.

Here's some more asset ideas:

These assets don't exude Asian culture overtly, but still look nice. I am going to alter the bookcase and some other assets to have an Asian theme in the next update.

And here's a shot of the level lighting. Not much more to be done on this front, though it could be darker:
Overall, I'm happy with progress thus far. 

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