Thursday 28 November 2013

Smallish update about windows and stuff

No posts for a few days, so here's an update:
With this update, I've textured the Peace banner, made a start on the window texture and made a few other small tweaks here and there.

For the banner, I decided that I didn't want to just make it a cloth actor, as it was a pivotal part of the scene; therefore, I decided to sculpt the cloth instead. It was a good study for me to get used to sculpting cloth, and I find I'm enjoying it:)

 Also, I didn't really like the initial model, so I folded it over the rope to make it a bit more logical how it was dangling there, and to add a bit more character to the material I put scorch marks on the edges of the cloth, where it had been accidentally seared by candles. Here's the banner in-engine:

As part of my expansion plan, I have also modelled a Chinese table and some beanbags to fill in the center of the room a bit more, and later on will have some high-quality props on them. I also redid the ceiling's beam distribution to make it resemble an attic's roof better.

Stick around for more, and comment with any critique if you want to give it.
Thanks :)

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